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Ideas from Two Pros . . . and Caveats about Going Pro

One month back we published an article about photographers drawing inspiration from works of art.  Coincidentally, earlier today, Gina Milicia wrote, “Some people will tell you that it’s wrong to copy but for centuries, every generation of artist has imitated the masters before them” in an article about ‘5 Fail Proof Portrait Poses’

It is more of a post than an article but Milicia gives a few sharp and unusual suggestions and illustrates each with a photo.  Her post is not so much about static poses as commonly understood but includes dynamic ‘poses’ as well.  The aim is to relax a self-conscious subject and get him/her ‘loose’.  One suggestion: ask your subject to jump for joy!

Richard Bram is similar to Milicia in that he photographs people but dissimilar in that he shoots candids, “the quirkier moments in the events I was covering [which became the] beginning of the edgier street photographs,” as quoted in this interview with Bram on the Leica Blog.

Bram’s experiences in PR and personal bent are such that street photography is only one area that appeals to him – travel and musicians are also of interest to Bram.

This lengthy interview is worth reading for the in-depth ideas it conveys about a particular photographic approach and style in which the background is of vital importance and whose ultimate goal is to capture “the significant gesture.”

Bram says, “One evening at a party, I told a friend who’d run a fine art photography school in Louisville that I was thinking of becoming a photographer.”  If you are harbouring the same intentions, then before taking the plunge, read 10 Myths About Being a Professional Photographer by Ron Longwell.

Many of Longwell’s ‘heads-ups’ are spot-on and to-be-expected, like “Professional photographers get to set their own schedule.”  Yet others are equally spot-on but are surprising eye-openers, such as “The market is oversaturated with photographers.”  Isn’t it good to know that that is a myth?!

One or two of Longwell’s ‘myths’ are a bit odd.  For instance, “I need professional camera gear to be a pro photographer.”  Hmm, methinks you do need pro gear if you’re going to be a pro . . . better not turn up at that ad agency shoot with a Coolpix or Cyber-shot – else that may be the first and last day of your pro career!


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