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All the Tutorials/How-To’s You’ll *Ever* Need!

This single blog post should last a photographer 100 days.  You see, with the ‘scooping’ of and the kindness of, we now have 100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals all on one page!

This epic guide of guides features tutorials from the likes of Outdoor Photographer, DPMag, Shutterbug, DPSchool, ePhotozine, Digital Photographer, and Strobist.  And the pickins are lush!

For example, you can find two tutorials on Low Key Portraits plus two more about Low Key lighting.  Then there’s three on histograms which tell you what the ‘spread’ of tones is in a picture.  These tutorials will show you how to ‘read’ a histogram and make use of it.

The number and breadth of tutorials here beats Baskin-Robbins’s flavours and even Heinz’s varieties.  You’ll find a goodly number of ‘DIY’ guides from inexpensive reflectors to flash diffusers to ‘string tripods’.  Then there’s one that provides advice on how to shoot architecture that has lots of lines and grids.  And there’s one that brings you up to date – as of July 2010(!) – on the viability of shooting at high ISOs.

Ever wanted to master that recent fad: photographing exploding thingies in the last split-seconds of their lives?  Dive into this Hot 100!  How about something more gentle, like this bokeh / iris flare technique?  

(It is not sterile, as the samples seem to suggest.  You can use the contrivance the article outlines to shoot a portrait or any foreground against a dark background dotted with small points of light or a black sheet of cardboard pricked with holes and covered with transparent coloured paper and bright light behind the setup.) 

Granted, there will be a few dud tutorials – after all, there are a hundred tutorials here!  However, there will be more winners than losers, plus something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.  (The age-old concept of depth-of-field, the new style of Post-HDR, the borrowed look of vintage old photos, and the blue of the ocean.)

When you get to the how-to on photographing live insects at home, you’ll know this Hot 100 is a keeper!

Schedule at least 90 minutes just to go through this list.  You’ll probably end up spending a good bit of time with these how-tos and make good use of a few of them.  You may even find one or two that serve up the answer to a long-lingering question you may be having!





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